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Creationism in a number of ways represents a mind set or a state of mind. It seems, as a postulation, as if a reflection of a fundamentalist mindset outsourced into one domain with a happenstance in the biological sciences. The origin of the universe and life, and so us, treads directly on the subject matter of evolution via natural selection with the importance of the biological sciences and some proclamations of religious faith. This can seem rather straightforward, but this creates some issues, too.

Not only limited to the United States or Canada, as reported by the University of Toronto, the creationist movement went into a global phenomenon Rankin, The numbers of the creationist movement, in its modern manifestation, continue to increase with the varieties as well as the numbers Ibid.

An increase well beyond the borders of the United States and the Christian faith Ibid. Noting, of course, the fundamental belief in the Christian creationist movements with the artificer of life and, in some interpretations, the cosmos as the Christian God, even in the genteel foundational individuals of the more sophisticated movement entitled Intelligent Design, i.

This does not represent a diversity. The undertone remains other religions may harbour some eventual truth in them insofar as they adhere to some principles or beliefs best defined as Christian.

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As a professional therapist once put it to me, the presenting problem is never the real problem. I quickly found out that the young-earth theologians I was dealing with were far less concerned about how the Fall could be squared with an old earth than with simply preserving the most obvious interpretation of Genesis 1—3, namely, that the earth and universe are just a few thousand years old. One can find this in religious groupings too. He then glances over them, activating them with the energy of time, which underlies all transformations in the material world.

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Matter then evolves from subtle elements sound, form, touch, etc. Then sound becomes the most important element in the creation of the world, in particular the hearing and speaking of spiritual sound, received from the Vedas or its spiritual world for the freedom of the souls to achieve a material creation Ibid. This amounts to a creationism. Leslie Scrivener more than a decade ago reported on the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as a spoof on the Intelligent Design movement based on the creations of an Oregon State University physics graduate named Bobby Henderson.

In examination of these movements more as this helps provide a basis to see the ideational movement in the society with regards to the non-scientific propositions floating around the minds of the public, including famous and creative types, who further provide popular cover for these views with movies including the following — media complicit once more:. With some reflection, one can note the lengths some believers of fundamentalist stripes must strive in order for coherence in the worldview, but one who affirms the evidence of evolution via natural selection first becomes much less stuck in the mud.

PEW Research identified one of the main issues as the theological implications of the theory of evolution. Seidel The Canadian Conference of Mennonite Brethren state:. Many Bible scholars have pointed out that the Genesis account of creation gives a Hebrew poetic description of the reality that God created the heavens and the earth by his word. Unlike the deities in other texts who are depicted as giving birth to the material world, the God of the Bible speaks creation into existence. God is invisible, yet accessible to those who seek him in a faithful response to his self-revelation.

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Christians af rm the clear statement of Genesis that God created the heavens and the earth. As the pinnacle of creation, human beings are the deliberate work of God. Human beings are created in the image of God. Atheistic models of evolutionary origins are incompatible with the biblical witness when they fail to account for human beings bearing the image of God.

Historically, Christian theologians have interpreted this as meaning creation ex nihilo—out of nothing. Second, in expressing that God has brought creation to be out of nothing, the biblical authors express the power of the Creator God. Third, Scripture reveals that God is distinct from creation, and sovereignly rules over it. PEW Research provided a summary of some of the views of the various religious groups , in which they stated:.

Many Buddhists see no inherent conflict between their religious teachings and evolutionary theory. The Catholic Church generally accepts evolutionary theory as the scientific explanation for the development of all life. However, many Hindus today do not find their beliefs to be incompatible with the theory of evolution. While the Koran teaches that Allah created human beings as they appear today, Islamic scholars and followers are divided on the theory of evolution.

Theologically conservative Muslims who ascribe to literal interpretations of the Koran generally denounce the evolutionary argument for natural selection, whereas many theologically liberal Muslims believe that while man is divinely created, evolution is not necessarily incompatible with Islamic principles. While all of the major movements of American Judaism — including the Reconstructionist, Reform, Conservative and Orthodox branches — teach that God is the creator of the universe and all life, Jewish teachings generally do not find an inherent conflict between evolutionary theory and faith.

The purpose remains the innervation of a non-theological discipline as a theological set of fields or as the study of God — to bring God into science and vice versa. Indigenous belief structures in various parts of the world, and in Canada, assert a creation narrative. In C2C Journal , reportage by Robert MacBain and Peter Shawn Taylor covered some of the aspects of bad history on the part of some aboriginal communities due to historical circumstance as a consequence of colonization, they state:.

Today, approximately 30, Ojibways live in a sprawling region north of Lake Huron and Lake Superior. And thanks to a recent Ontario court decision, they could soon be in line for a massive and unprecedented financial gift from Canadian taxpayers. They originated on the Atlantic Coast and are essentially newcomers to the area, having arrived after European explorers. MacBain and Taylor firmly judge the captivation of Justice Hennessy with indigenous creationism, akin to the notion of a several thousand years old Earth with human beings as a special creation in their current form and separate from the rest of creation Ibid.

Bailey notes the asymmetry in the treatment of different types of creationism, where indigenous creationism gets a pass in some circles. However, creationism remains a wrong theory in a scientific sense and only one set of particular religious interpretations of origins of life and, often, the universe. Canadian Museum of History n.

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The different Iroquoian-speaking peoples tell slightly different versions of the creation story, which begins with Sky Woman falling from the sky. The Canadian Encyclopedia states: Coast Salish culture and traditional knowledge survive through oral histories. Although Coast Salish legends vary from nation to nation, they often feature many of the same spiritual figures and tell similar creation stories. One example of such a tale is the story of how Old-Man-In-The-Sky created the world, animals and humans. These stories also highlight the importance of certain creatures and elements of nature, such as the salmon and red cedar, which are considered sacred for spiritual reasons and because of the valuable resources they provide for the people Ibid.

On some non-Middle Eastern and co-opted by the Europeans mythologies, we can look to Australia:. There was a time when everything was still. All the spirits of the earth were asleep — or almost all. The great Father of All Spirits was the only one awake. Gently he awoke the Sun Mother. As she opened her eyes a warm ray of light spread out towards the sleeping earth.

Go down to the Earth and awake the sleeping spirits. Give them forms. The Sun Mother glided down to Earth, which was bare at the time and began to walk in all directions and everywhere she walked plants grew. After returning to the field where she had begun her work the Mother rested, well pleased with herself. The Father of All Spirits came and saw her work, but instructed her to go into the caves and wake the spirits.

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This time she ventured into the dark caves on the mountainsides. The bright light that radiated from her awoke the spirits and after she left insects of all kinds flew out of the caves. The Sun Mother sat down and watched the glorious sight of her insects mingling with her flowers. However once again the Father urged her on. The Mother ventured into a very deep cave, spreading her light around her.

Her heat melted the ice and the rivers and streams of the world were created. Then she created fish and small snakes, lizards and frogs. Next she awoke the spirits of the birds and animals and they burst into the sunshine in a glorious array of colors. She called all her creatures to her and instructed them to enjoy the wealth of the earth and to live peacefully with one another. Then she rose into the sky and became the sun.

Williams College, n.

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Now, we can see this reflected in others with supernatural intervention or anthropomorphization of the objects of the world, as if the cosmos amounted to one big dramatic play. National Museum of the American Indian describes the Mayan foundational narrative as follows:. When these deities finally created humans out of yellow and white corn who could talk, they were satisfied. The Twins rose into the heavens, and became the Sun and the Moon. When Kuamachi picked the fruit, it fell and broke open. Water spilled out and flooded the forest.

With his powerful thoughts, Kuamachi created a canoe in which he and his grandfather escaped. Along the way they created deadly water animals such as the anaconda, the piranha, and the caiman. They fell into the water and were devoured by the animals. After they were gnawed and gored into different ragged shapes, the survivors ascended into the sky on a ladder of arrows.

There the stars took their proper places and began shining…. Raven, whom Koyukon narratives credit with the creation of human beings, is only one among many powerful entities in the Koyukon world. He exhibits human weaknesses such as lust and pride, is neither all-knowing nor all-good, and teaches more often by counterexample than by his wisdom….

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The creator, Yaperikuli, led the men through this tunnel, and the resulting union of males and females marked the beginning of fertile life and the origin of all species. As Zimmerman noted, the general tenor of the public and educational conversation around creationism continues for a long time and has been extant in the North American landscape for a longer time than even Stephen Jay Gould, who is long dead at this time.

Bob Joseph states:. Most cultures, including Aboriginal cultures, hold creationism as an explanation of how people came to populate the world.