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Before the event even started, Debbie Wilmer won the early bird draw, which was a one-night stay donated by the Holiday Inn and Suites South. While some women vied for. Winners of the raffle prizes: a Saskatchewan Roughriders deck cooler filled with goodies donated by Candy Bags Sweet.

Scholarships for head-of-the-house women returning to school, a mother-daughter conference and human trafficking initiatives are among supported causes. Jessica Masyk, 25, has been in custody since Aug. Red Deer City RCMP reported at the time that suspects attempting to escape in a stolen pickup truck had smashed into a number of other vehicles, including two police cars. Masyk was charged with assaulting a police officer with a weapon, flight from police and possession of stolen property. At the time of her arrest, Masyk had been granted. Sorensen was struck down on May 20 while longboarding along Hwy , west of Penhold.

Masyk has yet to enter pleas on charges, including leaving the scene of an injury or fatal collision, public mischief and driving while disqualified. Further investigations since she was returned to custody resulted in new charges being laid by Sylvan Lake RCMP, alleging that she was a party to the theft of a pickup truck in Eckville on Aug. Masyk was also charged with harbouring suspect Steve Lagace, who was unlawfully at large at the time.

Lagace is now serving a month sentence after pleading guilty in Red Deer provincial court on Oct. Masyk had originally reported the vehicle stolen. Its burned-out remains were later found abandoned in a field east of Innisfail. Lagace admitted during court proceedings to taking the vehicle and setting it on fire.

A second man arrested in connection with the arson is to stand trial in Red Deer provincial court on Dec. In Red Deer provincial court on Friday, Judge David Plosz warned Masyk and her counsel, through a law student acting as her agent, that they will have no more opportunities to adjourn the proceedings against her. Masyk was told that she and defence counsel Kaitlyn Perrin of Calgary must come to court prepared to enter her elections and pleas or she will be presumed to have pleaded not guilty and hearings will be scheduled for her.

Gaetz Elementary School Friday. All students and staff were encouraged to grow a little instant mustache to celebrate their November theme spirit day. The tradition is only two years old and began to support male staff members who are participating in Movember at the school. Mustache Day has become one of the favorite spirit days of the year, says principal Clint Saunders.

Cory Nielsen was acquitted of impaired driving and resisting a peace officer after his convictions were overturned on appeal on Oct. The judge at his original trial had ruled that the police officer did not use excessive force.

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Organized by the Primary Care Network, the health cafe invites people to come and experience some new positive psychology inspired ways to reconnect with the deeper meanings and traditions of the holiday season. As well, people can learn some practical ways to create some new traditions that are likely to create more meaning, comfort and joy. The event will be presented by Rene Joslin, a registered psychologist and Dr. Morne Odendaal.

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It takes place on Nov. To reserve a space call or email events rdpcn. On Nov. For more information call Eric Pomerleau, the officer allegedly involved in the incident. He pulls out a cellphone, there is some mild armgesturing and Nielsen is seen backing away.

A police officer twists his arm behind his back, pulls him to the ground, and then with help from another officer, attempts to restrain him. Hatch said when you see that kind of gratuitous. We expect courts to dispense justice and decide what should happen in the case. The talk will focus on the local watershed and fish population and will be followed by participants painting a wooden fish, which will be installed as part of a colourful fence mural. The breakfast is scheduled for Nov. To reserve a place email info rdrwa. Even though Graduation is a long way off, students are invited to get ready for the culmination of their hard work in style at the fourth annual Grad Preview Night.

Put on by Bridal Couture Dezigns, the preview is a free event for upcoming local grads. The night includes a New York inspired fashion show and previews the latest styles on the red carpet. There will even be a draw to win a grad dress, as well as other prizes. The preview night is on Nov. Doors open at p. Lacombe seeks feedback on dog park Lacombe is hoping for some feedback from residents and dog owners about a proposed off-leash dog park. Now that the project has a home, they are hoping for residents to contribute their thoughts to the discussion. To provide feedback, and read more details about the project, visit www.

Staff donated volunteered their time, the supplier donated the food and the grand opening of the third Noodlebox location was deemed a success by the company. Apple Talks in Stettler later this month Apple Talks, a discussion about how different parenting styles contribute to a health, nurturing upbringing, will be in Stettler later this month for an evening presentation.

Run through Alberta Health Services, the Apple Talks invite moms and dads to learn about how they approach language and communication, problemsolving and play differently.


And how both parents can provide safe, nurturing care and learn how their different styles are good for their children. The discussion will be held on Nov. Free child care will be provided. Space is limited, so people are asked to register in advance by emailing stettlerplc mcman. From the very beginning, Christian communities were composed of urban dwellers of the middle class.

He engaged the intellectual establishment, praised those who patronized the early movement, and described his work in Rome as a fundraising trip for the poor church in Jerusalem Romans Later, as Peter Brown has shown, Constantine established the clergy in the middle class and gave them the benefits of the elite. Most of the Church Fathers threw in their support. Saint Augustine urged that managing wealth and using it to build and maintain the church was of more spiritual value than vows of poverty.

And while the Protestant Reformation was a critique of ecclesiastical fundraising, it was not a working class movement. Luther and the peasants had a pretty awful relationship, which ended in a bloody uprising, the vic-. In America, church has always been a free market commodity primarily oriented toward the middle class. In class conflicts, the church has generally sided with management.

Church congregants have not been working poor, but rather business owners and managers. Even the noble response of the initial social justice movement of a century ago was bourgeois. Its purpose was not to find solidarity with the poor, but to lend a hand to the poor to hoist them into the middle class. Today, church planters target bourgeois zip codes and church stewardship and fundraising professionals utilize planned giving and endowments. Modern church facilities mirror other middle class establishments: coffee shops, restaurants, theaters, and college campuses.

My favorite example of this is a video called What if Starbucks Marketed like the Church? The church is, and always has been, a bourgeois institution.

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It is no surprise, then, that the long decay of the church over the past generation coincides perfectly with the long decay of the middle class. The correlation is unmistakable. Piketty never mentions the church as he describes the bubble of egalitarian economics from Murray explains that for the past several decades, church participation within the middle class has hardly changed, but it has disappeared almost entirely within the working class.

His observation is easily confirmed by attending worship services.

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The working class is poorly represented in our congregations; people in lower classes have little means to support a congregation with time, talent, or treasure, and they perceive little value in the institution. Christians around the country are wondering why churches are in decline. The reason is not Darwin or Marx, science or atheism, culture wars, or competition. As goes the middle class, so goes the church.

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Officiant: Rev. Gary Sinclair a. Holy Communion a. Celebration Service a.

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Communion at St. Rooted in the word of God. Growing in the likeness of Christ, Reaching out by the power of the Holy Spirit. Passion for God, Compassion for People. Highlights include crafts, bake table, and white elephant sale. Contact Linda at There will also be a silent auction and snacks provided. See blackfaldsunitedchurch.