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Several concepts can be used to measure sexual orientation. These include behaviour, that is, whether a person's partner or partners are of the same or the opposite sex, and identity, that is, whether a person considers himself or herself to be heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual. The CCHS uses the concept of identity. Data from other countries suggest that the number of people who consider themselves to be homosexual is much smaller than the number who report having had sexual relations with someone of the same sex.

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However, people are more willing to answer questions about identity than about behaviour. Source: General Social Survey on Victimization. Source: Canadian Community Health Survey , Statistics Canada goes to great lengths in assuring that its questions—including those questions related to sexual orientation—are relevant and feasible.

In testing questions targeted to specialized populations, Statistics Canada found that the positive rapport between the agency and with various groups and individuals, coupled with assurances of anonymity, contribute to respondents feeling very comfortable with the interviewing arrangements.

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This trust has led to a situation where respondents are willing to reveal personal details about their lives, and to answer questions honestly. The consultations on questions with specialized populations also provided many useful insights into the issues being investigated.

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