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Anyone is welcome to sign up for the mailing list. Join the Mailing List Advertise on the List. Due to COVID, most studies are moved to online platforms, and only a few in-person studies are currently running, please read the study location carefully before you register. Please check the eligibility requirements for each study.

Some studies are only open to UBC students, others are open to the general public. Description: This is a four-part study. The first part is a consent form. Then in three separate tasks, participants will record themselves saying a list of words, complete a survey about multilingualism, and listen to words and decide which picture matches the word.

Eligibility: To be eligible for this study you must be female and have been exposed to English and Cantonese from an early age, and minimally still have the ability to carry out a basic conversation in Cantonese. Each part of the study will take less than 30 minutes. If you choose to participate in this study, you will answer several online questionnaires related to your wellbeing and upload screenshots of your mobile battery use. This study will take you approximately 60 minutes to complete online.

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You will have 7 days from the date which you signed up to complete this study. Eligibility : Participation is limited to individuals who currently own and operate either an Android or iPhone smartphone. Contact information: If you are interested in participating in this study, please email our Study Coordinator, Deepika, at Deepika. If eligible, participants will be asked to visit the lab three times. The first visit is an information session where you are asked to provide a saliva sample, and the second and third visits are testing sessions, scheduled one month apart.

The testing sessions will involve taking either a low dose of MPH or a placebo Vitamin C , and then completing 4 short cognitive tasks on a computer. Our lab is in the building next to the UBC Hospital. Participants will be viewing images of celebrities on a monitor from a certain distance and asked to identify the celebrity.

You must be between the ages 18 and Contact Information: Please contact Morteza Mousavi at mousavi7 mail. Researcher : Kevin Chow grad student , Dr. Thomas Fritz, and Dr. Joanna McGrenere principal investigator.

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The purpose of this study is to examine and compare the benefits of various time-tracking tools that are meant to help you during your time at work. Eligibility : — Are 18 years of age or older — Work full-time approx.

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Contact Information : Kevin Chow at kchowk cs. You will be contacted for the study if you complete the screening survey above. Mental health problems among young people in Canada have been rising — a trend that coincides with growing social media usage. To see whether the two trends are connected, UBC professor Matt Lowe is leading a study on the link between social media usage and well-being, depression and body image.

All UBC students are eligible for the survey — regardless of whether you use social media or not. If you have any questions about the research, feel free to email matt. Description: Know someone aged 65 or older? Are they interested in participating in an online study with you? Help UBC researchers better understand how individuals aged 65 years and above recruit help from a close other you to promote everyday health behaviours and wellbeing during the current circumstances.

Given this, we ask that two people participate in the study study partners. Study involves a Baseline Zoom session, 10 days of daily questionnaires, and an exit zoom session. Researcher: Emmanouil Giannisakis postdoctoral researcher , Dr. Feel free to contact us using this email if you have any questions.

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Researcher: Kevin Chow grad student , Dr. Eligibility: — Are 18 years of age or older — Work full-time approx. Contact Information: Kevin Chow at kchowk cs. Contact Information : Please contact Dr. The duration of the study is 45 days.

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Study End Date : Ongoing. Description: Help us understand how East Asians in Canada use technology to manage and make sense of their mental health and wellbeing. This includes stress and general anxieties of everyday life. Your participation will help us design how mental health technologies can be more sensitive to different cultures in Canada. We will ask you what mental health technologies e. Eligibility: You must be 19 years or above, have shared at least one smart speaker with other users in the same household for a minimum of three months.

Description: The APEX Study seeks to understand how our responses to stressful events impact our physiology and psychological responses when we exercise.

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The APEX study will consist of two sessions, during which you will be fitted with a heart rate monitor and mask that measures your ventilation. The first session consists of some brief questionnaires and an 8-km cycling time trial on a cycle ergometer. The second session follows similar procedures with the addition of a public speaking task, similar to mock job interview.

During the second session, you will be also asked to provide 5 saliva samples. Eligibility: Participants should be females who are healthy, moderately active, years old, not currently taking hormonal contraceptives or select medications, and who have not competed in sport for at least 2 years. You can also call us at or email us at kin. Day 1 appointments are approximately 90min, and day 2 appointments are approximately 2hours and 10min. Description: Participants will practice a rhythmic finger-tapping task alone or with a partner, trying to learn the timing of the rhythm as accurately as possible.

Location: Room and room 26 in War Memorial Gym. However, please always meet in War Memorial Gym, Room MSL ubc. Day 1 will take For general inquiries, please contact Spence Murch spencer psych. Description: We are looking to record some male, native Cantonese speakers for a speech perception experiment. Participants will be asked to read only 25 English sentences into a microphone. Eligibility: Must be male, native Cantonese speakers between the ages of 20 and 30 who speak English with a Cantonese accent.

This will be determined by using a basic visual detection task and recording specific brain wave responses types of Event-Related Potentials — ERPs to stimuli presented. Participants will perform simple button press task on a computer while wearing an electrode cap.

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Participants must have normal or corrected-to-normal vision, and be able to understand English instructions. They must have no history of reading, hearing, language, or neurological condition. Effects of transcranial electrical stimulation on perception and cognition. It will involve viewing and responding to visual stimuli presented on a computer screen.

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You will receive weak electrical stimulation on the scalp delivered with a safe, harmless, non-invasive brain stimulation technology. Contact Information: Email Naima Mansuri at wardlab psych. The study will take approximately hours to complete on each of two separate occasions. Eligibility : Anyone with normal or corrected-to-normal vision and hearing and good enough command of English to complete questionnaires.

Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. LGBT portal. Pink Triangle Press , Journal of Canadian Studies , 48 1 , LGBT culture in Vancouver. Davie Village Kiss and Tell collective Priape. Xtra Vancouver. LGBT in Canada. However, in some cases where identity security is of the utmost importance, agencies may ask you to provide the more secure, polymer birth certificate.

You cannot bring in your older certificate and get a new one free of charge because the fees for the certificate cover the costs of producing and issuing the new document. On January 2, , the Vital Statistics Agency moved from paper certificates to more durable polymer certificates. Here are some of the features that make B. The certificate Birth certificates are not for day-to-day identification, so store them in a safe place when they are not in use.